
Radiofrequency Surgery

At Tamar Skin Clinic, we use Radiofrequency surgery to effectively remove benign moles, skin tags and other benign lesions from the skin. This technique offers numerous advantages over conventional, scalpel-based surgery and allows us to offer you better cosmetic results.

What is radiofrequency surgery?

Radiofrequency surgery uses ultra-high frequency radio wave technology to precisely cut skin tissues, which allows for the removal of cosmetic lumps and lesions on the face and body with minimal risk of scarring. In the past, the removal of benign lesions for cosmetic purposes was done via surgical excision, which can result in an unsightly linear scar. With radiofrequency surgery, only the lesion itself is removed and, as such, can provide better results with minimal downtime.

Benefits of radiofrequency surgery :

Radiofrequency surgery offers a number of benefits over traditional lesion removal procedures, such as:

  • Minimal risk of scarring
  • Minimal damage to surrounding skin, and thus limited bruising and swelling
  • Faster procedure times with less bleeding
  • Faster recovery times

What should I expect?

Before removing any skin lesion, we advise coming in for a skin check at Tamar Skin Clinic to ensure that your lesions are benign. If we do not notice anything of concern, we will then recommend radiofrequency surgery to remove your unwanted skin lesions.

Radiofrequency surgery uses a compact machine to remove very thin shavings from the skin’s surface. We will begin treatment by cleaning your skin lesion with an antiseptic solution and numbing the treatment area with a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort during the process.

After your skin has been numbed, a fine wire loop is used to plane the lesion off to the skin level. We offer a number of different-sized probes to precisely target the unwanted skin lesion and avoid thermal damage to the surrounding skin tissue.

Once the lesion is shaved away, a small ball electrode is applied to the area to ensure that the skin’s surface is entirely smooth and sealed. We will then apply some antiseptic ointment and a Band-Aid to the treatment area. Radiofrequency surgery is very quick, with each skin lesion taking between five and ten minutes to remove.


What does radiofrequency surgery treat?

The radiofrequency surgery device can be used to remove a number of benign skin lesions and other irregularities from both the face and body, including:

  • Moles
  • Skin tags
  • Warts
  • Solar keratoses
  • Seborrheic keratoses
  • Verruccas
  • Dermatofibromas
  • Sebaceous hyperplasia
  • Milia cysts

Radiofrequency surgery fees


Lesions on face and/ or body:  The standard treatment time is 20 minutes and the cost is $300. As this is a cosmetic procedure, no Medicare rebate is available.

If additional time is required to remove benign lesions, then the cost will increase by $50 per 10 minutes.

Treatment times are capped at 40 minutes per occasion, so the maximum you will pay for a 40 minute treatment is $400.

Further treatments can be booked in the future.